ChartFlow Team
We want to share some of our favorite vendors from IMSH 2024. That way, if you didn’t get a chance to attend this year, you can still pretend like you saw a few booths!
It’s been a few days since the show, but we haven’t gotten a chance to think about our blog since then. Since we’re still a small business, we try to focus on demos and support before blogging. That being said, we did want to share some of our favorite vendors from the show.
Here are some tech-focused products we think you should know about.
SimVS -
The SimVS booth brought their tablet based products to the show, and we were big fans. This is a perfect bridge between the low-fi simulation of years past and the new wave of tech-forward products. All you need is a tablet and their software.
Their primary markets seemed to be EMS and Nursing. If you’re an EMS program, it comes with a defibrillator, telemetry, and hospital monitor for EMS. Plus patient scenarios (or you could check out our free patient scenarios and steal some of our ideas). For In-hopsital and nursing students, their products come with all that plus ventilation monitors, nurse call buttons, fetal heart rate monitors and more.
We loved this idea because a low-fi center using students as patient actors could easily hang this tablet near the “bedside” and make the whole scenario feel more realistic immediately. If you’re a high fidelity center, there’s still a place for this monitor next to your high tech manikins and other equipment.
Moving further into the high-tech space, Lumis focuses on augmented reality, rather than a fully virtual space. What does that mean? They have a hologram style display with sensors that interact with the student as they move through simulation. So you can take the manikins you have and make them responsive/interactive.
Seeing products like this in person is part of the reason we love shows like IMSH. The videos don’t do it justice at all!
Honestly, VR is just fun, so we imagine it’d be a big hit with students as well. Just strap on one of these headsets with Acadicus’ platform and you’re instantly in a fully simulated environment. Unlike the other VR companies in the medical simulation space, this booth was run by the Founder and CEO who has an active role in the company and product. We loved how accessible their team was and according to one of our customers, they do VR better than anyone.
Check out this video on how Acadicus handled a multi-site remote simulation for an example of what VR can really do for a sim center.
(Also, if the Acadicus team reads this, it’d be really cool if you could have info from our sim panel pop up in the VR environment. Let’s make it happen!)
And the best booth of all? ChartFlow. Next year, come see us! 🙂
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